Sunday, October 30, 2011

Shameless Self Promotion

I entered the American Aparel Lookbook contest with my Max costume thought it would be fun.
I thought I would throw in some extra pictures here. 

Where The Wild Things Are has been one of my favorite books since I was very young, I even thought that the movie adaption was awesome. Max has been one of my favorite literary characters since the first time that I read it, (or had it read to me.) I still have my families copy, its old and pretty worn but it just makes books that much better. That copy was originally given to my older sister, our close family friends had written on the inside cover "To Ana, from Heidi and Wolf 1991" This book is very nostalgic, it probably gives that feeling to most people who've grown up on it. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

will you buy me a shotgun dad?

 My out fit for tonight, i'm going to an art museum for an art swap/ midnight masquerade, should be cool.
jeans//taken from a friend
all of my nice clothing I have are hand me downs from my dad ha. 

Fashion Inspiration yo:

super simple, but I've been into the simple look lately. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Death or Glory

while I was on the bus today "Death or Glory" By  The Clash came up on my ipod and it just sent a wave of nostalgia through me, I remember whenever I would go on road-trips with my dad and sisters we would listen to The Clash the whole time, that or Bob Dylan. It was kind of our road trip anthem. I haven't been that nostalgic in a while. Those were the better days.
I watched Fantastic Planet a few weeks ago it is really intriguing to say the least. My friend said whenever she watched it she felt sick, but in a good way, I'd say thats an accurate interpretation.
So I'm thinking about making little "trading cards" per se and selling them I just did one of Gogo Yubari from Kill Bill, once I get ahead on it i'll link my etsy. 
